Day Seven - Miracle Mile

We were going to cover Alcova Reservoir, Pathfinder Dam and Reservoir and motor down to the Miracle Mile along with Seminoe Dam and Seminoe Reservoir.  We breezed west on WY220 and turned left on Pathfinder Road all within 10 miles of our cottage. 

In no time at all we were off the main road and looking for the edges of the massive cliffs.  We could see Pyramid Peaks and Pedro Mountains to the South and just calling our name.  We would get there eventually but first we needed to explore the Alcova Reservoir area.  There were plenty of cottonwoods, juniper bushes, and lichen covered rocks.  We stopped at several points along the ridge and one was better than the next offering wonderful views of the reservoir.  We passed through Fremont Canyon and over the North Platte River before coming upon Pathfinder Dam.  We had planned to take a trail south to the base of the Pyramid Peaks but once again our efforts were thwarted due to private property.  I strongly believe in private property rights and respect them, but this was getting ridiculous.  After many dead-ends we decided to go back through Fremont canyon and down Kortes Road. 

We rode about 30 miles before we came upon the North Platte River and the Miracle Mile area.  This is a world-renowned area for fishing.  Kortes Road is a tightly packed gravel road that was not much fun but the scenery still made it worthwhile.  We stopped on the bridge over the river and walked to the edge.  It was very cold and good fishing I guess.  We mounted back up and went down Seminoe Road.  This road was similar except it took us through a large canyon.  This is our type of road and we motored slowly along looking at the scenery.  We passed some antelope on the side of the road a plenty of marmots.  We climbed about 1,000 feet as we wound our way up to the dam.  Once there we stopped for some pictures of the dam and Seminoe Reservoir.  We tried to look around to see if there were some alternate trails we could explore but nothing jumped out at us.  We continued back to Kortes Road and headed south along the river to Kortes Dam.  We cold only go so far, before we had to turn around.  We went back again but found Bennett Mountain Road and took off up the mountain road.  This was fairly challenging and we stopped along some big boulders to climb that overlooked the entire area.  It was getting a liitle late so we headed back up Kortes Road which turned into Cottonwood Road and we were soon back at our cottage.  We once again rode down to the lake for a last night's swim.